Tag Archives: Europe




Hannah: Buddhism’s Untold Journey—the award-winning documentary by co-director/producers Marta György Kessler and Adam Penny which chronicles Hannah Nydahl’s story of bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the West—makes its Vancouver debut at VIFF (Vancouver International Film Festival) on September 24th and 26th. The film was edited by Sundance Grand Jury Prize and Emmy award-winner Simon Barker. Hannah recently made its New York City debut at The Rubin Museum of Art.

Watch the official trailer via Vimeo HERE. Tickets are available at www.viff.org

Filmed in India, Nepal, the Far East and Europe, Hannah is the untold true-story of a young Danish woman’s life, searching for greater levels of perception in the 1960s until as an adult, she becomes a pillar of living Buddhism with her husband Ole Nydahl. In 1968, the two were the first Western students of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa in Nepal. After a period of study, they were sent back to Europe where they made his teachings of Tibetan Buddhism relevant for Western minds. Over the following 3 decades they travelled throughout the world bringing the teachings to all walks of life. “Hannah is not just a story about an exceptional and brave woman,” says co director/producer Marta György Kessler, who spent 15 years traveling with Nydahl and some of the most renowned Buddhist Lamas. “It’s an adventure of historical significance with such a profound, rich narrative, it was important that we not just tell the story—but also really touch people with it.”

h11In 2006 Hannah was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. She and Ole returned to Copenhagen to live out her last days together in the center they founded in 1974. Almost exactly three months after the diagnosis, Hannah passed away whilst in meditation with her husband and a few friends around her. On June 13, 2015 Hannah and Lama Ole Nydahl received the award for dialogue, coexistence and peace of the UNESCO Association for Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue. As another award winner, the Association honored Pope Francis I.

“Hannah” recently screened in New York and has been accepted into the Festival Internacional de Cine Documental de la Ciudad de Mexico this October 15 – 24, 2015.

September 24, 6:30 pm                   SFU Woodwards                                        Vancouver, BC
September 26, 11:00 am                 SFU Woodwards                                        Vancouver, BC


What are they saying about “Hannah”?
HUFFINGTON POST “The excellently crafted film led the spellbound audience from fascination to tears.”
VILLAGE VOICE “The film is a pleasure – lush jewel tones on tapestries, temples, and statues”
MOVIEFIED “Cinematic as the best of today’s documentaries”
JB SPINS “Highly recommended”

Co-director/producers Marta György Kessler and Adam Penny will be in attendance for both screenings and available for interviews before or during VIFF upon request.

Please contact: Lesley Diana | Lesley@thepromotionpeople.ca | 604-726-5575

About Adam Penny
Adam Penny has worked in media for 12 years, producing documentaries, commercials and brand campaigns. In 2002 he produced his first feature documentary Movimento, about street children and the favelas of Rio for Channel 4. Other documentary credits include The Urban Chef for BBC2, World’s Youngest Daredevils for Sky and The Four Year Plan, a feature documentary following debt ridden football club QPR being taken over by billionaires. As Creative and Managing Director of Connected Pictures Adam has also worked on a vast array of campaigns for brands including Microsoft, SABMiller, British Airways, HSBC, Nissan and for agencies such as TBWA, Saatchi&Saatchi, CHI&Partners and Adam&EveDDB.

About Marta György Kessler 
Marta was an actress in Hungary when she met Lama Ole and Hannah in 1990 and started to practice Buddhism. Since then she has lived and worked in different Buddhist communities around Europe. In 2002 she began to give lectures on Buddhism and has continued to do so in many different countries. Marta also travelled with Hannah and Lama Ole for more than 15 years all over the world. During this time she saw firsthand their activity and developed a very close connection to Hannah. In 2009 she came up with the idea to write Hannah’s life story, an inspiration that developed into this film. This is Marta’s first feature documentary.

About Simon Barker
Simon has been an editor for over 20 years. In that time he has worked on countless award-winning feature documentaries including Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer (Special Jury Prize award-winner 2013), Google and the World Brain (Sundance award-nominee for Grand Jury Prize 2013), Reagan (Emmy award-winner Outstanding Historical Documentary 2012) and 9/11 Heroes of the 88th Floor (Emmy award-nominated Outstanding Informational Programme 2012).

About Connected Pictures 

Connected Pictures is a London-based production company, specialising in documentary and branded video content. Documentaries include The Urban Chef for BBC, World’s Youngest Daredevils with Mylene Klass for Sky as well as co-productions on Turing for Channel 4 and most recently The Four-Year Plan.

They have been involved in campaigns for the re-launched British Airways, behind the scenes documentaries at the Cannes Film Festival, as well as work for SABMiller, Levis, Moet & Chandon, Footlocker, JD Sport, John Lewis, Nissan and many others.

Social Media Handles

Website: hannahthefilm.comviff.orgdocsdf.comconnectedpictures.com
Twitter: @HannahtheFilm
Facebook: Hannah: Buddhism’s Untold Journey
Vimeo: Hannah: Buddhism’s Untold Journey – Official Trailer

Contact The Promotion People

Lesley Diana – Founder, President and Publicist

Website: thepromotionpeople.ca
Twitter: @PromotionPeople
Facebook: The Promotion People
Instagram: @thepromotionpeople

A talk with Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee, David Sancious

The Promotion People DavidSanciousphotobyMichael BloomDavid Sancious just wrapped up a year that would have been enviable to even the biggest names in the music world. As a member of Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band, David not only received the “Award for Musical Excellence,” but he was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Peter Gabriel was inducted in 2014, as well, and David joined him on stage, too. Last year, Sancious also spent a good portion of his time traveling the world with Sting, Paul Simon, and Peter Gabriel. He came home for the holidays, had a brief break, and then hopped on a plane and went to New Zealand, Australia, and Europe with Sting and Paul Simon for the next leg of their “On Stage Together” tour, which started yesterday (Friday, January 30).

AXS talked with David shortly before he left for New Zealand. Hoping to hear how the musical juggernaut had enjoyed his brief time off, AXS was saddened to learn how the artist had actually spent his precious downtime.

“I had knee surgery,” Sancious related. “I had a real problem with my leg on the Peter Gabriel tour last summer, so I went through six months of physical therapy, which didn’t really help. I started out okay, but the longer the tour went on, the more painful it got, so I scheduled the surgery for January 6 and I’m just about finished recovering. It was important to get the surgery done before this next project with Sting and Paul Simon started up. Luckily, it fit in great! I’m just about fully healed, and I’m certainly ready to start the tour.”

A life on the road isn’t something that everyone can handle. The constant travel, irregular sleep, and not always the best food options are all very hard on the body. It takes a special person to thrive under these often adverse conditions. How does David manage?

“Every night is enjoyable!” he expressed. “That’s one of the things I love most about playing music. When I was little, my parents told me, ‘If you make your life’s work what you love to do, then it won’t really be such hard work, at all.’ Truth be told, this is incredibly hard work! But because I’m so in love with it and I find such enjoyment from the most simple things to the most complex things, my life has just been one long series of degrees of enjoyment.”

When David said his life, he meant his entire life. The artist knew by age seven that music was what he wanted to do.

“There are only two other things that I’ve ever lost myself in like I can lose myself in music — where hours go by and I don’t even realize it because I’m so enthralled. The first is painting. Abstract painting because I’m not a skilled or schooled painter, at all. Just doing oil on a canvas for my own pleasure, that same kind of world comes up where I just totally fall away. That time-based person who has concerns and all of that, it just melts away and I’m left with only the sensation of what I’m doing.

“The other activity that I have lost myself in is gardening,” David informed. “But music definitely trumps everything.”

Sancious went on to state that doing music is at once soothing and fascinating. He compared it to being on a river in that creativity has a pull and a force all it’s own, and you sort of just ride along, excited to see where it’s going to take you.

“I really do think that music and art have an energy that has its own life,” David elaborated. “It sort of comes through us and we become the instrument. It is just like when we use a musical instrument in our own hands, we become the physical, three dimensional instrument for that music to come into the world. It is such a fascinating process, you’ll be sitting there and you’ll be thinking, ‘I’m thirsty, I’d love to get up and get some water.’ But you won’t! That will wait for 20 minutes or more because you are too immersed in what you’re doing. You can even put off going to the bathroom,” he laughed, “because you just have to see where this moment is going to take you!”

David thought for a moment, then decided, “You know, they should teach this in schools. It ought to be something that goes along with career counseling. And it is something that should be done early on to get people in touch with whatever it is in life that their particular personality resonates with. What their interest is. Where their energy is. Find that thing that you get lost in and don’t ever lose touch with it!”

Besides his non-stop touring schedule, this year David promised AXS he would finally complete his ninth studio album, The Treehouse Sessions. “That’s my first priority,” he stated. “Everything else takes second priority to that. My touring will probably take me to the summer of this year. Then, I’ll have a little break before going back out with just Sting — I think we’ll be in Europe for about six weeks in late June… so my apologies for the delay on the record, but it will certainly come. Just like the sunrise, on one fine day, it will be there,” he laughed.

And on that day, AXS will be there to tell you all about it. For more information, visit David’s website and follow him on Twitter.

Article by Allen Foster
AXS Contributor

Social Media Handles

Website:  davidsancious.com
Twitter: @DavidSancious@AllenJFoster

Contact The Promotion People

Lesley Diana – Founder, President and Publicist

Website: thepromotionpeople.ca
Twitter: @PromotionPeople
Facebook: The Promotion People

The Inaugural Kettle Mettle 105 kilometer Bike Ride will challenge cyclists on the historical picturesque Kettle Valley Trail in the Okanagan on October 4th, 2014

Kettle Mettle - The Promotion PeopleThe Dirt Track that Takes You Back in Time

Tri 1 Events is pleased to announce that on October 4th, 2014 the Inaugural Kettle Mettle Bike Ride will challenge cyclists and showcase the historical nature and amazing scenery of the Kettle Valley Trail in the Okanagan.

The Kettle Mettle Bike Race is the dirt track that takes you back in time from Penticton to Kelowna. This 105+ kilometer bike ride starts at Okanagan Lake in Penticton and finish near the Lake at Mission Recreation Park in Kelowna.  The Kettle Mettle Fondo on the Kettle Valley Railway Trail is putting affordability and FUN back into Fondo cycling events. This is more of a FUNDO Cycling event. After the challenging ride cyclists can enjoy the wine festival and the Kettle Mettle After Party in Kelowna.

The Kettle Valley Railway (KVR) is an abandoned railway bed that winds through south central British Columbia with grades that never exceed 2.2 %. But even the most radical cyclist will grip the handlebars a little tighter crossing trestles.

Long popular in Europe, gravel road races are attracting large numbers of riders looking to do something off the beaten path.

Kettle Mettle organizer Dean Stanton from Tri 1 Events brings three decades of experience and involvement in similar sporting events as a participant and race organizer including the World Renowned Spartan Race throughout Canada and the 2009 World Police and Fire Games Triathlon.

Dean says, “We wanted to organize an exciting yet challenging cycling event to draw attention to the historical Kettle Valley Railway in BC from Penticton to Kelowna. We plan to make Kettle Mettle an annual event.”

Registration is now open –  http://www.kettlemettle.ca/register.html

Social Media Handles

Website: kettlemettle.ca
Facebook: Kettle Mettle 2014 Fondo

Contact The Promotion People

Lesley Diana – Founder, President and Publicist

Website: thepromotionpeople.ca
Twitter: @PromotionPeople
Facebook: The Promotion People

David Sancious reunites with the original members of the E Street Band to receive the Award for Musical Excellence at Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony April 10th, 2014

World Renowned Keyboardist and Musician David  will be touring with Peter Gabriel on “Back to Front” Tour after recently touring with Sting and Paul Simon “On Stage Together”

David along with other members of the E Street Band will receive the Award for Musical Excellence at this year’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony, April 10, 2014 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York.

The Promotion People - David Sancious

David Sancious, long-time solo keyboardist, guitarist and composer, is having an exceptionally busy year in 2014 touring with three of the most sought after musicians of our time.  He just completed touring with Sting and Paul Simon “On Stage Together” then is back out touring with Peter Gabriel throughout Europe in April and May. Peter Gabriel is also being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this year.

David joins Sting and Paul Simon, two of music’s most renowned and enduring artists who are performing “On Stage Together” throughout North America. For more information on the tour and tickets please visit sting.com.

David will then join the other original members of Peter Gabriel’s band again to tour throughout Europe on Peter Gabriel’s  “Back to Front” tour.  The tour begins in Frankfurt on April 14th and finishes in Berlin on May 14th. For more information and tickets please visit petergabriel.com.

The Promotion People - David Sancious

Capturing the attention of Bruce Springsteen in the seventies at a jam session in New Jersey, David’s career as a musician kicked off at the young age of seventeen. An original member of Bruce Springsteens’ beloved E Street Band David was invited to join a new band Bruce was forming. The group recorded three albums together and toured the country before David was offered a recording contract and left the band to form his own group Tone, where he would showcase his abilities as not only a sensational musician, but as an equally talented composer, producer and synthesist. David recorded multiple albums with Tone and the accomplishments of these albums led him to become one of the most talented and sought-after keyboardists in the industry.

David re-united with Bruce Springsteen and joined other musicians including Billy Joel, Lady Gaga, Stevie Wonder, Herbie Hancock, Rufus Wainwright and Will.I.Am  at Sting’s sixtieth birthday to perform some of Stings most recognizable songs at New York’s Beacon Theatre.

The notable artist has since worked with many musicians including Eric Clapton, Seal, Aretha Franklin, Santana, Jeff Beck and many others. David has performed on more than fifty albums since his 1973 debut album “Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J.” with Bruce Sprinstein and the E Street Band. The versatility of his sensational career has made it difficult to categorize his music.  David, however, considers his art a mixture of harmony and melody from the jazz and classical traditions combined with rhythms from the rock and R&B traditions. David is well respected by his peers, considered by many as a “musician’s musician”.

It can often be difficult to center oneself when surrounded by the stress and chaos of being an artist. Yet, somehow, David always manages to find his center and inner peace. At a mere ten years of age, he began his journey into the world of spirituality. David practices meditation and yoga.

David is touring with Sting and Paul Simon “On Stage Together” throughout North America until mid March then out again with Peter Gabriel’s tour “Back to Front” in April and May 2014 throughout Europe. 

Social Media Handles

Website:  davidsancious.com
Twitter: @DavidSancious@officialsting@itspetergabriel@paulsimonmusic
YouTube: Behind the Scenes with David Sancious for Yamaha



Contact The Promotion People

Lesley Diana – Founder, President and Publicist

Website: thepromotionpeople.ca
Twitter: @PromotionPeople
Facebook: The Promotion People

David Sancious, original member of the E Street Band, to receive Award for Musical Excellence at Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony

World Renowned Keyboardist and Musician David Sancious will be touring with Sting and Paul Simon “On Stage Together” across North America then he is back out with Peter Gabriel on his European “Back to Front” Tour in 2014
The Promotion People - David Sancious

David along with other members of the E Street Band will receive the Award for Musical Excellence at this year’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony, April 10, 2014 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York.

David Sancious, long-time solo keyboardist, guitarist and composer, will have an exceptionally busy year in 2014 touring with three of the most sought after musicians of our time.  He will join Sting and Paul Simon “On Stage Together” in February and March then is back out touring with Peter Gabriel throughout Europe in April and May. Peter Gabriel is also being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on April 10th, 2014.

The Promotion People - Sting & Paul Simon

David will be joining Sting and Paul Simon, two of music’s most renowned and enduring artists who will perform “On Stage Together” throughout North America starting in Houston on February 8th and playing to their final show in New York City’s Madison Square Garden on March 6th following an immediate sell-out in that city. For more information on the tour and tickets please visit www.sting.com.

David will then join the other original members of Peter Gabriel’s band again to tour throughout Europe on Peter Gabriel’s  “Back to Front” tour.  The tour begins in Frankfurt on April 14th and finishes in Berlin on May 14th. For more information and tickets please visit www.petergabriel.com.

Capturing the attention of Bruce Springsteen in the seventies at a jam session in New Jersey, David’s career as a musician kicked off at the young age of seventeen. An original member of Bruce Springsteens’ beloved E Street Band David was invited to join a new band Bruce was forming. The group recorded three albums together and toured the country before David decided it was time to part ways.

The Promotion People - Peter Gabriel

David left the band to form his own group “Tone”, where he would showcase his abilities as not only a sensational musician, but as an equally talented composer, producer and synthesist. David recorded multiple albums with Tone and the accomplishments of these albums led him to become one of the most talented and sought-after keyboardists in the industry.

David re-united with Bruce Springsteen and joined other musicians including Billy Joel, Lady Gaga, Stevie Wonder, Herbie Hancock, Rufus Wainwright and Will.I.Am  at Sting’s sixtieth birthday to perform some of Stings most recognizable songs at New York’s Beacon Theatre.

The notable artist has since worked with celebrities such as; Eric Clapton, Seal, Aretha Franklin, Santana, Jeff Beck and many others. David has performed on more than fifty albums since his 1973 debut album “Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J.” with Bruce Sprinsteen and the E Street Band. The versatility of his sensational career has made it difficult to categorize his music.  David, however, considers his art a mixture of harmony and melody from the jazz and classical traditions combined with rhythms from the rock and R&B traditions. David is well respected by his peers, considered by many as a “musician’s musician”.

It can often be difficult to center oneself when surrounded by the stress and chaos of being an artist. Yet, somehow, David always manages to find his center and inner peace. At a mere ten years of age, he began his journey into the world of spirituality. David practices meditation and yoga.

David will be touring with Sting and Paul Simon “On Stage Together” throughout North America in February and March then out again with Peter Gabriel’s tour “Back to Front” in April and May 2014 throughout Europe.


Social Media Handles

Website:  davidsancious.com
Twitter: @DavidSancious, @officialsting, @itspetergabriel, @paulsimonmusic
YouTube: Behind the Scenes with David Sancious for Yamaha

Contact The Promotion People

Lesley Diana – Founder, President and Publicist

Website: thepromotionpeople.ca
Twitter: @PromotionPeople
Facebook: The Promotion People


Yamaha Entertainment takes you behind the scenes for their All Access photo shoot with David Sancious, keyboardist for Sting

David Sancious looks forward to seeing all his fans around the world as 2014 is another busy year.

David will be joining Paul Simon & Sting, two of music’s most renowned and enduring artists, to embark on a concert tour throughout North America in February and March 2014. For tickets and more information visit: slotix.com

Next Spring 2014, David will be back touring with Peter Gabriel on his Ready, Steady, So Back to Front 2014 tour with members of the original band that toured with Peter 25 years ago. Peter returns to stages throughout Europe to celebrate the 25th anniversary of his groundbreaking, iconic album ‘So’. Learn more and purchase tickets here: petergabriel.com/live

Social Media Handles

Website:  davidsancious.com
Twitter: @DavidSancious
Facebook: David Sancious

Contact The Promotion People

Lesley Diana – Founder, President and Publicist

Website: thepromotionpeople.ca
Twitter: @PromotionPeople
Facebook: The Promotion People

Award Winning Actress Camille Mitchell Makes her Writing & Directorial Debut With An Award Winning Short Film Entitled “A Mother’s Love”

The film will be screening in Los Angeles, New York City & Madrid and represented at the Palm Springs Short Film Festival
The Promotion People Actress Camille Mitchell

Actress Camille Mitchell best known for her long running role on the CW hit television series “Smallville” has achieved success as a first time writer/director for her short film entitled “A Mother’s Love”. A winning film at the Crazy 8’s in Vancouver, the film will be screening in Los Angeles and at the Manhattan Film Festival on June 27th and Madrid Film Festival on July 4th.

“A Mother’s Love” starring Susan Hogan (Battlestar Galactica, Psych) and Charles-Joseph Mitchell is the story of a mother’s torment when her boys don’t come home from school one day, as she is pulled from her suburban tranquility into a world where nothing is what is seems. Vancouver Observer called the film, “devastating and heart-breaking”.

The Promotion People Actress Camille Mitchell

Overwhelmed by the response that the film is receiving worldwide, in Los Angeles “A Mother’s Love” has been for selected for the 2013 Best Short Films of the Los Angeles Women’s International Film Festival Showcase. Camille has been invited to participate in the filmmaker panel following the screenings.

Camille is then off to New York as the film has been chosen as an (2013) Official Selection at the Manhattan Film Festival: “A Mother’s Love” and will be screened on June 27th. The film next stop is at the (2013) Madrid International Film Festival with nominations for Best Short Film, Best Original Screenplay, and Best Script, screening on July 4th.

The Promotion People Actress Camille Mitchell

As an award-winning actress, Camille Mitchell has spent most of her life in front of a camera (Smallville. Caprica) and on stage, as a leading lady at the Shaw Festival, Stratford Festival and the Vancouver Arts Club Theatre. Most recently, Camille has been studying Documentary Filmmaking at Capilano University; Screenplay Writing at Langara College; and Theatre Directing at the University of British Columbia. In 2012, her screenplay, “A Mother’s Love” was one of six projects selected by Crazy 8s Films for production. According to the rules of the competition, it was filmed in two days.

Last year, the film won the Best Drama Award at the 2012 SuperShorts International Film Festival in London, England; earned international accolades; and was an Official Selection at the International Film Festival of Cinematic Arts and at the Los Angeles Women’s International Film Festival.

Following in her father’s footsteps, Camille is the daughter of Cameron Mitchell who gained early recognition for his portrayal of Happy in the stage and screen versions of “Death of a Salesman”. Still, out of more than 300 film and TV appearances, he is probably best remembered for his work on “The High Chaparral” (1967) TV series in which he, as the happy-go-lucky Buck Cannon, and Henry Darrow, as Manolito Montoya, stole the show.

Next up, Camille is planning to do a documentary on her father Cameron Mitchell. This fall Camille will be participating in a three-year MFA course in Film Production at Loyola Marymount University’s School of TV and Film in Los Angeles ranked #18 by the Hollywood Reporter/ Top 25 Film Schools in the world.

Camille will be traveling to Palm Springs, Los Angeles, New York and Madrid for the festival screenings and is available for interviews and photos upon request.

Camille is currently representing her film at the Palm Springs Shorts Film Market until June 26 then off to Manhattan Film Festival for the screening on June 27th. She will be at the Los Angeles Women’s International Film Festival showcase from June 28th until June 30th then back to Vancouver.

“A Mother’s Love” Awards :
(2012) “A Mother’s Love” : Winner, Best Drama, Supershorts International Film Festival, London, UK
(2012) “A Mother’s Love” – Writer/Director – Crazy 8s 2012 Winner, Vancouver
(2012) Lucerne International Film Festival, Award of Merit : “A Mother’s Love”
(2012) California International Shorts Festival, Honorable Mention for Script : “A Mother’s Love
(2013) Official Finalist, Screenplay – Canada International Film Festival, Vancouver : “A Mother’s Love”
(2013) Best Short Screenplay, Semi-Finalist – Vail Film Festival
(2013) Official Selection, Los Angeles Women’s International Film Festival ; “A Mother’s Love”
(2012) Official Selection, International Film Festival of Cinematic Arts, Los Angeles : “A Mother’s Love”

Social Media Handles

Website: amothersloveshortfilm.com
IMDb: Camille Mitchell

Contact The Promotion People

Lesley Diana – Founder, President and Publicist

Jasmyn Pozzo – Publicist

Website: thepromotionpeople.ca
Twitter: @PromotionPeople
Facebook: The Promotion People

World-renowned keyboardist & musician David Sancious has a busy 2013 touring with long-time friends, appearing onstage with Sting on his “Back to Bass” Tour in Europe & North America and with Peter Gabriel on his “Back to Front” tour in Europe

David Sancious, long-time solo keyboardist, guitarist and composer, has another exceptionally busy year coming up touring with two of the most sought after musicians of our time: Sting and Peter Gabriel.

David will be touring in North America and Europe with his longtime friend, and twenty-year on-and-off performance partner, Sting playing throughout North America and Europe. The tour kicks off in Kelowna, British Columbia on May 30th then in Victoria on May 31st. Joining Sting and David on stage are Dominic Miller, Peter Tickell, Vinnie Colaiuta and Jo Lawry.

Last year also David joined the other original members of Peter Gabriel’s band that toured together twenty-five years ago, to reunite onstage to celebrate the Silver Anniversary of the groundbreaking album “So”. Touring throughout North America on Peter Gabriel’s “Back to Front” tour the band played to sold out audiences and rave reviews. David will reunite with the group performing with Peter this fall starting in Herning, Denmark September 28th. For more information and tickets please visit: petergabriel.com/livedates

The Promotion People DavidSanciousphotobyMichael Bloom

Capturing the attention of Bruce Springsteen in the seventies at a jam session in New Jersey, David’s career as a musician kicked off at the young age of seventeen. An original member of Bruce Springsteens’ beloved E Street Band, David was invited to join a new band Bruce was forming. The group recorded three albums together and toured the country before David decided it was time to part ways.

David left the band to form his own group “Tone”, where he would showcase his abilities as not only a sensational musician, but as an equally talented composer, producer and synthesist. David recorded multiple albums with Tone and the accomplishments of these albums led him to become one of the most talented and sought-after keyboardists in the industry.

The notable artist has since worked and toured with musicians including Eric Clapton, Seal, Aretha Franklin, Santana, Jeff Beck, Yousou Ndour, Natalie Merchant and many others. David has performed on more than fifty albums since his 1973 debut album “Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J.” with Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. The versatility of his sensational career has made it difficult to categorize his music. David, however, considers his art a mixture of harmony and melody from the jazz and classical traditions combined with rhythms from the rock and R&B traditions. David is considered by many as a “musician’s musician”.

In celebration of Sting’s sixtieth birthday David re-united with Bruce Springsteen and joined other musicians including Billy Joel, Lady Gaga, Stevie Wonder, Herbie Hancock, Rufus Wainwright and Will.I.Am to perform some of Stings most recognizable songs at New York’s Beacon Theatre.

David has also been invited by the legendary jazz artist Jack Dejohnette to perform with him at the Woodstock Percussion Festival on September 7th in Woodstock. New York.

It can often be difficult to center oneself when surrounded by the stress and chaos of being an artist. Yet, somehow, David always manages to find his center and inner peace practicing yoga and mediation to keep him grounded.

When he finds time, David is in his studio recording his tenth solo album. For David’s complete discography please visit: davidsancious.com/discography

Social Media Handles

Website:  davidsancious.com
Twitter: @DavidSancious
Facebook: David Sancious

Contact The Promotion People

Website: thepromotionpeople.ca
Twitter: @PromotionPeople
Facebook: The Promotion People
Instagram: @promotion.people