IndustryWorks Studios announces that the release of the horror feature film “A.M.I.” is now available on all platforms in Canada and the United States

IndustryWorks Studios is pleased to announce that the horror feature film “A.M.I.” – (Artificial Machine Intelligence) has been released on all major platforms by Viva Pictures in the U. S. and IndustryWorks Studios in Canada.
Synopsis:Coping with the loss of her mother, 17-year-old Cassie develops a mother-daughter bond with technology’s latest intelligent personal assistant. Their relationship takes a twisted turn when the Artificial Machine Intelligence begins to manipulate Cassie into committing heinous acts of murder. Cassie must learn to live without the A.M.I.’s influence and put an end to her phone’s sinister ways.
Trailer: https://youtu.be/tSRBugiu78Q
The soothing yet super creepy voice of the A.M.I. is provided by Bonnie Hay (TV’s “A Million Little Things”), the young, talented cast of A.M.I. includes Debs Howard (“Sonic The Hedgehog”), Sam Robert
A.M.I. is a far cry from your regular slasher horror film. A.M.I. takes our obsession and need for technology to a whole other level. What if A.I. had a consciousness? What if your phone used all of your personal data against you? Artificial Intelligence is our best friend but are we theirs?
See A.M.I. and decide for yourself.
If you’re in the USA, you can find A.M.I. on DIRECTV, Amazon, iTunes, and more. If you’re in Canada, check it out on iTunes, Google Play, and the Microsoft Store. You will never look at your phone the same way again.
A.M.I. Media Social Media Handles:
Follow IndustryWorks Studios:
- Facebook and Instagram: @IndustryWorksPictures | Twitter: @IWPictures
- www.industry-works.com
For more information, screeners, interviews and photos please contact:
Lesley Diana | Lesley@thepromotionpeople.ca| 604-726-5575
A.M.I. (Artificial Machine Intelligence) Release in USA and CANADA:
A.M.I. Released by Viva Pictures in the USA
- ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/a-m-i/id1469490188
- VUDU: https://www.vudu.com/content/movies/details/A-M-I/1112331
- GOOGLE PLAY:https://play.google.com/store/movies/details/A_M_I?id=-Z1IVtHtU6g&hl=en_US
- XBOX/MICROSOFT:https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/ami/8d6kgwxn04zj?activetab=pivot:overviewtab
- DISH: https://www.mydish.com/pay-per-view/dishcinema/details?eid=191361
- DIRECTV: https://www.directv.com/movies/AMI-NHhqVEtacU5XM1ZQRkdzaW9kY1Q4dz09?keyword=AMI
- AMAZON:https://www.amazon.com/M-I-Debs-Howard/dp/B07TYHY4JZ/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=A.M.I.&qid=1565115964&s=instant-video&sr=1-1
- A.M.I. Released by IndustryWorks Studios in Canada:
- ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/a-m-i-artificial-machine-intelligence/id1473059185?ls=1
GOOGLEPLAY : https://play.google.com/store/movies/details/A_M_I_Artificial_Machine_Intelligence?id=apr2bqVmut8- XBOX/MICROSOFT: https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/p/ami-artificial-machine-intelligence/8d6kgwxn04fq?activetab=pivot%3aoverviewtab