Canadian Composer Logan Jones to perform live with Grammy-nominated songwriter Carey Ott Saturday, July 30th at the Mizpah Hotel in Tonopah, Nevada

LJB_Jul2016Poster_V4-page-001Historic Music Project ‘Silver In Your Veins’ shines the spotlight on Logan Jones

Vancouver teen composer, musician Logan Jones and Nashville Singer/Songwriter/Recording Artist Carry Ott travel to the historic desert town of Tonopah, Nevada for the creative project ‘Silver in Your Veins’.

Joining Logan and Carey will be John Smits, sound engineer/session musician/lecturer at Soundsphere recording in South Africa. Logan, Carey, and John will be composing sketches of music inspired by the atmospheric wonders of the Nevada desert and the township of Tonopah. The tough grit of 1880’s Silver miners and 1940’s bomber pilots will set the stage.

Followed by the live performance in Nevada, Jones, Ott, and Smits along with their support crew head to Nashville where they’ll begin the process of bringing to fruition the Tonopah sketches at the amazing Darkhorse Recording Studio complex. Dark Horse Recording is a 4-studio complex set on a multi-acre plot of scenic farmland based just outside of Nashville.

This chapter of Logan Jones young career will be documented on film headed up by revered Chicago director, filmmaker, and Final Cut editor Jim Quattrocki –


Silver in Your Veins

A Song Writing Journey of History and Exploration
Come and Hear music being made about Tonopah
To be Recorded in Nashville

When: SATURDAY, JULY 30th at 8pm
Where: Mizpah Hotel
Tonopah Nevada

At the young age of sixteen, Logan is now no stranger to the spotlight.
This past April Logan had his first television appearance ‘On Da Grine with Valentine’ on Shaw TV Vancouver and returned this month with the cast of Lifetime’s “Center Stage: On Pointe” directed by award-winning Director X (Drake Hotline Bling), as they danced to Logan’s music.

Catching the attention of television producers/hosts Logan is currently working on the theme music for two television series “BC Brew on Tap” and “Get Cooking with the Stars.”

Brian and Logan Jones 2Already Logan has an impressive resume of international work, having worked with musicians from Nashville, London, Vancouver, Toronto, Paris, to South Africa.

Within every city of travel Logan finds musical inspiration.

This past May Logan flew from Vancouver to see his favourite musical composer Brian Tyler conduct the Philharmonia Orchestra in London. Logan had the opportunity to meet Brian at the concert and is now followed by the famous Hollywood movie Composer.

Logan has been fortunate and is thankful to have such great music mentors.

Logan is looking forward to working again with John Smit coming from South Africa, who was the Drummer, bass player and Producer for Logan’s most recent album Platinum Grooves, and Carey Ott coming from Nashville, who has worked on Logan’s Believe album and has been apart of Logan’s Early Years

unnamed-4“Logan is a musical dreamer whose ideas as a composer and multi-instrumentalist are blooming all the time. He has a knack for painting emotive, melodic hooks over odd time signatures and sci-fi landscapes. His work is simultaneously strange and familiar.

Logan reminds me of myself in that he is always looking for the next creative challenge. Like a surfer always looking out for the next big wave, Logan is ready to ride. I think we’re all gonna be hearing a lot more of Logan Jones music in the months and years to come…”

– Carey Ott

Social Media Handles

Twitter: @loganjonesrocks
Instagram: @loganjonesrocks

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Lesley Diana – Founder, President and Publicist

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